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Topic : The Earth and Us  (Living Smart)


 Living Smart : To the life we live in . It is very important to make our survival into technological advancement . In any place we live or in any planet we go , there is a regular importance of technological smartness to make our activities or works easy and resourceful. Thus, taking our advancements to extreme scientific researches and explorations and making practically possible to live in a way suitable and easy .
Therefore , we calculated into some of the daily unused materials and make them into resourceful  way of kind .

Section & Ideas

1. Wastage & Garbage Management

2.  Making Rural life easy and connecting to Urban.


1. Wastage & Garbage Management  :

 In wastage management project / idea we summed waste material i.e, human manure , thus making it resourceful for the production of  Bio- Gas  also including some electronic smartness by, using micro-controller ,sensors and modules to monitor the entire system and for consistency in bio gas supplies

Materials needed  

1 . A big concrete tank for Bio - Gas processing (Bio -Tank)
2. AC Motor
3. Micro-controller (Arduino / Genuino)
4. Sensors ( Moisture Sensors , Ultrasonic sensors )
5. Auto Mechanical Relay Switch
6. Boxes for putting sensors and Micro-controller
7. Water Treatment plant
8. Wifi Module
9.Etc.. Etc...

*Abstract about manure (Data collected from Internet) :
  The  physical  and  chemical  determination  of  the  composition  of  human  excrements  has  great 
importance  since  its  entire  product  as dejection  today  is  launched  in  the  nets  and  inefficient  systems  of  waste  collectors.  Its  studies  had  been  intensive  in  the  decade  of  50’s  for  the  greater  practical  of  the  composting  and  the  densely  populated  agricultural  communities.  It  is  identified  basically  that  the  human  excrements is composed of 75% of water and 25% of solid substance (composed) for bacteria deceased – 30%,  fat  –  10  to  20%,  inorganic  substance  –  10  to  20%,  proteins–  2  to  3%,  remaining  portions  not  digested – 30%). The alkaline external surface involves acid internal interface for the bacterial action. Its general  chemical  composition  includes  as  bigger  part  the  carbon  (around  50%),  nitrogen  and  calcium  around  5%  each).  The  amount  of  excrements  is  135  to270g  for  individual  to  the  day,  after  the  drying  determines around 88 to 97% of organics substances. It has two processes for the final stabilization of the organic substance: the aerobic decomposition (in the oxygen presence) and the anaerobic composition (in the complete absence of oxygen). Anaerobic occurs in four distinct phases: the hydrolysis by fermentation for   acid   producer   bacteria   that   convert   macro   molecules   of   organic   composites;   acidogenesis   or   volatilization  for  methane  producer  bacteria;  acetogenesis  for  dehydrogenization  or  hydrogenization  bacteria;  and  methanogenesis  for  the  methane  producerarcheas  resulting  in  methane  (CH4)  and  carbon  dioxide (CO2). The methane is produced by the acetotrophics archaeas from the acid reduction of ascetic (70%)  or  by  the  hydrogeotrophics  archaeas  through  the  reduction  of  carbon  dioxide  (30%).  The  possibilities  of  treatment  of  the  dejections  in  precocious  way  are  processes  in  study  in  the  isolated  agricultural  communities,  in  open  systems  of  sand  filtering,  classics  aerobic  systems  (wetlands),  beyond  the  domestic  composting.  Humus  has  desirable  characteristics  as  nutrient,  making  use  the  phosphorus  more easily to the superior plants.   

Working Process
We Proposed the idea by connecting safety tanks (Human Toilet Tanks ) to  a bio tank , which has a garbage acceptance hole to the upper left corner of the tank following and is connected to the digester inside the bio tank . The knob present acts as barrier by controlling the amount of supply of manure and garbages being released , therefore the knob is controlled by the auto mechanical relay switch which is controlled by the ultrasonic sensor  placed at the bio-tank .
Thus, the moisture sensor checks the moisture and the gas producing capacity of the manure.
As the moisture becomes low the sensor is programmed in such a way that the realy switch opens the knob . Thus producing the quality and consistent amount of bio-gas .

 Also, water wasted in Toilets , Bathrooms and in all miscellaneous process in houses are transferred to water treatment plant , and with the help of AC motor it digs out the water from treatement therefore makes water ready to drink and to use it in all our daily needs.

Therefore, the activities such as moisture and percentage level of manure and garbage are monitored into the smart phone with the help of wifi module connected to the sensors and micro-controller .

The micro-controller and sensors are wired and placed in the boxes.

Conclusion  :

 The waste is never a waste until it is used in way beyond its possibilities.

2.  Making Rural life easy and connecting to Urban

The Century is turning rapidly towards technical easy comfortable practices .
Rural place often  lacks in advancement and in many technologies compared to Urban.
Therefore we focused on making rural housings really a smart place to live as urban.

Materials used

1. Micro-controller (Arduino / Genuino)
2. Relay Switches (Auto Mechanical switches)
3. Senors (Ultrasonic , Temperature, PIR)
4. Modules (Bluetooth ,GSM)
5. Buzzer
6. AC Motor


Making houses in rural areas by automated system using some sensors , modules and switches.

We have used ultrasonic sensor at the water tanks and programmed it to micro-controller board , therefore the sensor detects the rate of water present in the water tank and controls the AC Motor , immediately turns the motor on work with the help of relay switches if the water percentage is low and visevera.

The PIR sensor is programmed to get activated during night and detects the temperature of the body as any one comes into the house during night. It detects the body heat and thus turns the buzzer On with the help of relay switches .
And also with the help of GSM module programmed with the PIR sensorin the micro-controller it places a call or text message , making the house owner realise the situation of unknown infant entering into the compound or house.

Temperature sensor (LM35) programmed in micro-controller is used to detect the room temperature . Incase , the temperature is relatively beyond normal temperature with the help of relay switch the fans / AC are turned On.

With help of Bluetooth module connected to micro-controller we can controls the switches of household wirings by using smart phones  .

Conclusion :

 Making Rural more advance in all segments either social , technical ,education will surely connect it to urban society . Development surely includes the uplift of economy of country.

Note : Micro- controller used is arduino in the both projects using the platform of arduino the codes are manupulated and programmed.

Thus , the rural needs for advancement in  the way of living  smart ,surely connects with Urban . Influencing the social and economical aspect.

From proper management of garbage ,waste and with all unapplicable materials , we can transforms life into smart living ,irrespective of any civilization we are in .

